A.Install IPCop on VMware
A.Install IPCop on VMware:
1. Create new machine VMWare
2. Insert Disc IPcop
3. Boot to disc IPcop
4. Start install
- Green Interface = LAN Interface: done
- Red Interface = WAN Interface:
- Before install IPCOp:
=> 2 Network Card
=> Add Network card in VMWare
VMWare Network firewall:
- LAN: VMNet02
- WAN: Bridge
1. Root Password
2. Web admin password
3. backup password
B.Share Internet to User :
1- Check IP of Red and Green on IPCop
Red = WAN =
Green = LAN =
=> login: root
pwd: 123456
=> setup
- Address RED/Green
- DNS & Gateway
- DHCP for client
2. setup client internet
=> make sure network adapter of client is VMNet2
=> Network card of Client same to IPCop LAN interface = Green interface
* Note:
to check internet work on IPCOp: ping google.com
=> ping = DNS ISP
3. connect to IPCop using web interface
- open IE: htp://
=> username: admin/pwd: 123456
4. Install add-on "Advaned Proxy"
=>System-SSH Access- Tick(SSH Access, Support SSH Protocol Version1 ...)
- Using WinSCP: copy file from windows to Linux
- using Putty to remote install on IPCOP
cd .. = change to root directory
pwd = view current directory that we use
ll = list directory & file
- Unzip file advproxy:
#tar -xzfipcop-advproxy-3.0.3.tar
- install advproxy:
- check advproxy on IPCOP: