HTML Introduction
Learning HTML is the first step to mastering the web. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, which is the markup structure for web pages. When browser software accesses a file it understands how to parse the document according to the file's extension.(.html - .txt - .php - .xml - .pdf - .doc - etc... ). HTML provides us a means of laying out and structuring our web pages using paragraphs, graphics, images, audio/video media, applications, forms, user interaction and much more.
As it is with a few other open source web technologies that this website covers, HTML is maintained by the people of W3C. All web masters owe gratitude to the Consortium for enhancing the things we can do on our web pages and how we can interact with our users.
When browser software reads an HTML document it interprets exactly how to render it from the HTML tags and elements laid out in it. An HTML document is just a well dressed text(.txt) file, given a different extension(.html) so browser software can communicate with it the way it needs to.
HTML uses elements that have tags that wrap around your content and this is what tells the browser software how to treat that particular element and all of the content in it. Mastering HTML requires mastering the elements, attributes and event handling of the elements(aka: "tags"). It is key to know all of the elements at your disposal, this way you can choose the correct elements and avoid using elements out of the context for which they are specified.